Tuesday 29 September 2009

Theory Tuesday :)

 Okay, so for a few weeks now Mr Smith has been doing this 'Theory Tuesday' thing. We did the things about 'Narrative Theories' and the things to do with Roland Barthe in one of these lessons. The week after that we went on a treasure hunt type thing around lutterworth, we were in search of signs. the idea of the treasure hunt was to show us that they're are signs everywhere telling us things and informing us about things without us really noticing them.

i thought i should mention some of the theory lessons, although i mist a few of them because i was ill, but i intend to investigate what i've missed.

Todayss lessons!

Mr Fords lesson;
we learnt about 'post modern media'.
post modern media is basically 'the distinction between reality and the media representation of it'. the idea is that the media's version of real life becomes what we think of as real life. an example of it would be friends in reality and on myspace or facebook, someone could have 200 friends on myspace or facebook, whereas they wouldnt nessascerally be actual friends, friends that you know in the real world. the world of internet social sites is created as a now alternative reality that people class as the true reality rather than a made up one.
its the idea that we can no longer see the boundreys between real reality and media reality.

The definition of 'post modern media' that we were giving by mr ford was as follows.

    Post modernist claim that in a media saturated world, where we are immersed in media 24/7 - the distinction between reality and the media representation of it becomes blurred ir even invisible to us.
    we no longer have any sense of the difference between real things and images of them, or real experiences and simulations of them.
    Media reality is the new reality.
    In the modern perios artists experimented with the representation or reality.
    in the post modern period the idea of representation gets 'remixed', played around with through pastiche, parody and intertextual refrences - where the people that make texts deliberately expose their nature as constructed texts and make no attempt to pretend they are 'realist'.
    - Value judgements are blurred.
       Everything is down to taste.
       Anything can be art, deserve and audience, and culture 'eats itself'. There is no longer anything new to produce or ditstribute.
    - The ditinction between media and reality has collapsed and we now live in a 'reality' defined by images and represntations,
     images refer to each other and represent easch other as reality rather than some 'pure' reality that exists before the image represents it.

i think that i could avoid incorprating a post modern media stance to my video by making the video seem less realisetic, in terms of mixing the scenes up so that you can tell that it isnt a true story.