Sunday 13 September 2009

More Detailed Plan With A Few Camera Angles

*Extreme long shot of Rorie (R) and Lexi (L) arguing in the middle of Leicester.
*From the T K Max balconies, pan around the scenery and then a slow zoom into the crowd where L and R are arguing. It pans from the right to the left into the action.
* Mid shot of R and L arguing. Several over the shoulder shots of each of the two faces.
*long shot of them fighting, L pushes R away. Within this we get a Point Of View (POV) shot of L's Face, this is to show the upset and angry in her facial emotion.
*Then we have a POV shot of R walking away towards a group of people.
*Close up of L's face, sad, distraught
*Another POV shot from someone in the crowd of people, this person is watching R walk towards the group, they focus in on R's face then look slightly to the left, over R's shoulder to see L miserable in the distance.
*Close up. the camera focuses on L's face. it pans round from the right to the left.
*R starts to talk to the guys, this is an over head shot (at this point the music should start to play in the distance).
*Long shot from a 45 degree angle behind L, R and the crowd start laughing.
*Close up of L's face - shows the hurt. she stands there, looks down, then up at R and then down again (she's making the decision to go elsewhere).
*Close up of L as she turns her head and turns away.
*Camera switches to a shot of L from the front, she walks towards the camera.
*We get different shots of L sitting on her own, being lonely whilst seeing her friends happy.
-She sits at the fountain, staring at the fountain. we see this by using an over the
shoulder shot.
- Close up of L's face as she See's the people having fun and having a good time on the grassy
bit behind the benches. we will see this through a long shot but a POV shot.
*We get several different shots of her walking towards band practice. (the way I'm going to do this is, i will record some footage of her walking but then stop it and when she is a bit further up the road i will record again so that you can see the progress of her walking. i will get this from several different angles. however when she gets the bridge outside stay free i will stop that type of recording.
*We see a long shot of (Bam(B)) leaning on the wall. As L is walking up to the bridge.
*L gets to the bridge. and then we see a POV of her seeing B on the wall. at this point B has his head down and cant see that L has turned up. (i am either going to do a POV shot or an over the shoulder shot from behind L on the bridge. within this show we will be able to see B leaning against the wall.)
*When L See's B we see a close up of her face, she's trying to withhold a smile.
*Next B looks up and smiles (close up of him) but L doesn't see that he's noticed her.
*The camera is then stationary at a 90 degree angle from where T is standing (the camera would roughly be at the canals lock gate). the camera stays stationary but follows L as she walks towards B.
*She walks past B not expecting him to be waiting for her. the camera at this point would be stationary at the front of L, it will be a mid shot of the two. the camera will follow the action from the front of her.
*As L walks past, B catches her arm. at this point the camera will be behind the action but focused in on the two arms and hands. this will mean it is a close up shot. the camera will stay there as B moves his hand down L's arm so that they can hold hands.
* the camera is then moved to the previous position where it follows the action from in front of the action. B pulls L round the corner and into the Stay free back entrance.
* Then the camera is stationary outside the black room, we see B and L running through the corridor into the room.
*The camera then moves to follow them into the room. we see the crowd of people and L and B pushing their way through. we get a shot from the POV of someone in the audience and they are watching L and B pushing through the crowd. it then switches to a front, mid shot if them pushing through the room.
*Going Onstage
B jumps up seeming 'macho' and confident, he looks down at L and then holds out his arm to pull her up. She pulls an 'oh jeez' face then she takes his hand and get pulled onto the stage.
(Camera Angle within that scene)
-B Jumping Up - Side Shot
-B putting his hand out to pull L up - Long shot from floor, looking up at him, from L's POV
-L's Reaction - high angle close up (looking down at her face)
-Pulling her up - the camera is behind her as she takes his hand, and then he starts to pull her up, and then the camera switches to behind B, so it is an over the shoulder shot, when B has finished lifting L onto the stage.
*someone in the crowd throws a mic' on stage.

*Shot Of Crowd
Camera on the stage floor looking over the audience.
*over the shoulder shots and over head shots of the audience.
*standing on one of the amps, over head shots and long shots of the band on stage and the audience.

*I will get several different shots of Dave drumming, Eddie playing the guitar and of Lexi and Bam singing.
*i will get some shots of them when the camera is on the floor, looking up at them and i will get some shots of them from the eye level.