Wednesday 9 September 2009

1st September 2009

i have started to create the pitch (powerpoint) for when we go back to school so that we are able to pitch our idea to the class. i have managed to get a hold of jamie. and he is coming down later on today to do some work on the project and to hopefully complete the power point (pitch) that i've started. And add to the video plan.

Jamie has just been at mine. he was here for around 6 and half hours. we got a little bit done but i thought that i still did the majority, i did try to encourage jamie to add in his own ideas so that the project isn't completely my work. I asked him if he had done any other work during the holiday that he may have left at home however he didnt give me the slightist impression that he had made any effort to do any work before today. He contributed a few ideas such as the camera angles for the scene where 'lexi' goes onto the stage. oncee we had figured out a few of the camera angles i suggested that we do some more work on the pitch so that he could have some input on what we are doing. we added a few things from my blog to the power point and simplified it so that it didn't look like a huge essay on the power point. i asked jamie several times to help my pick out the individual photo's for the powerpoint so that the audience (for our pitch) could see who would be staring in the video. we managed to finish writing up the powerpoint and then jamie decided to go before we discussed which parts of the powerpoint we would each cover when pitching our idea. i then went through our pitch thinking about who might do which pages. i then fowarded the powerpoint to jamie so that he could also go through it as we had discussed. I got fairly annoyed that we only got a little bit done, because i have so far done a fair bit of work, and it seems as if jamie has done nothing other than what we have achieved today. The thing that annoys me most is the fact that i had to keep saying, 'jamie, can we actually get this done?', 'Jamie put that down, thats not yours' (as he kept picking up random things around my living room that belongs to my family), 'are you gonna write anything?', 'do you have any ideas about what we could do in this scene?', 'can you just go through this and add in your own ideas for the pitch please' and 'Jamie i feel like i'm taking over because i have done the majority of this can you please do something'. This, i didn't i would have to do, and i felt really nastey for doing it but no disrespect to him but i don't want him to get all the grades for my work, because i think thats totally unfair. I think i am going to talk to one of my media teachers about what i could do to sort this out.