Sunday 27 September 2009

List of Some of the stuff i was asked after my presentation

* i refferred to myself as an 'out of the ordinary' person several times during my pitch. my audience asked me afterwords what i ment by 'people like myself' which is what i said. i pointed out to the class that what i ment was, people that go into leicester every weekend, they love music of all kinds but generally punk, emo, gothic metal or rock. also people like me would wear, the majority of the time, dark clothing and wear alot of black make up. i pointed out that a percentage of people like myself go out drinking in parks and causing people hastle on a regular basic purely because they have nothing better to do. also some people like myself, if they had problems at home or problems in gerenal, would cut theirselves (self harm) and do things that are over the top, purely becuase they cant deal with they're problems. i pointed out that my idea was to show people that not all people do that, not all people like myself go out and terrorise people for fun or drink alcohol purely becuase they have nothing better to do during the day. Also not all people like myself self harm and dont deal with they're problems in a sensible way, my aim is to prove to people that the majority of us deal with any problems the same way everyone else would. we are the same, the only differences are, our taste in music and the things we like.

*where am i going to be filming the actual footage?
my response was that i am going to be filming inside and out of band practice (stay free music) and in a few places within the town center. i am also recoding from the tk max balcony. at this point i was asked how was that possible, because usually noone is alowd on the balcony itself, however i have been into tkmax and i have gained permission to go up there to record the footage.

*how are we going to know who the characters are ?
i have decided to put a few introductry photo's at the begining of the video, and to do this i may get the band to extend the intro.

*how is a break up going to show the audience that people like yourself are happy the majority of the time?
i am going to show it, so that lex and rorie break up, but then she deals with it in the same way anyone else would and then i'll show her having a great time with her friends and being generally happy, hence breaking the thoughts that if a 'out of the ordinary person' (like myself) does break up with their boyfriend or girlfriend they dont just go all sad and then get drunk at 12 in the morning and they dont self harm.
obviously there is a percentage of people that do, do that sort of thing but my message is that not all of them do it, so it isnt fair to just assume that they all do.

''jeez i really cant remember that much about the hole questions area of my pitch, all i remember is this bog spider running across the room and then half the girls in the class screaming. i hope i get the video of the pitch back soon. it'll jog my memory a bit more. so then i can add in more of the questions and my responces and then write out the things i could do and change so that my video would be really good :)''