Friday 25 September 2009

Presented My Pitch

okay today i watched two groups pitches, asked them a few questions about their ideas and got some positive answers from them.
then during my second media lesson, i pitched my idea to the class. it went well so i thought, but it was scary doing it because i was on my own and everyone else in the class did it in pairs or in a group.
i pitched my idea and a lot of people asked me things about my idea and the reasons behind why i said certain things, such as i kept referring myself as an 'out of the ordinary person'.
i got told that i had missed a lot of crucial details from my power point, however because the class asked me all the right questions all the information that was missed out was then given to the class via the answers to the questions.
i was asked at one point how was i going to inform the audience of the characters were, at that point i came up with the idea of the video opening with a pictorial shot of each character. this shot thing would introduce each character so that the audience knows who they are looking for when i am recording in the towns center.

Mr Smith and Mr Ford have a recording of my pitch and the questions and answers so that i can pit it on here.


Mr Smith said...

Natalie. Explain what some of these issues are and what you are going to do to resolve them.