Sunday, 11 October 2009


die romantic by aiden is another song/video based on another real life event, this one is based on someone that put suicidal thoughts into people's head. i believe its known as the whisper murders. but im not sure about that, i need to check it out. one of the reasons why i am looking at this video is because the band have made the video to reflect on the meaning behind the song. they also record in a church yard. which i have decided will be on of the settings for my video.

i have just found this video that someone else has done for a media project of some kind but i thought that it sort of fits with the idea i have about a girl walking through the grave yard and her kneeling at someone's grave stone. so i thought that adding this video to my research was a good idea because of the way the girl has used the grave yard and the setting around the church to fit it with the songs lyrics.

this is a video of a tribute that was made to the columbine shootings, written and sung by two of the boys that went to the school during the time of the shootings. i am using this video as inspiration to include some images of the those that died. or maybe just include some kind of reference to those that died in the shootings.

dispite the fact that this video is just an animation video i like it because the creator of the video has taken bits from different video games to fit with the lyrics of the song. they have timed it just right so it works really well. i want to use the idea of havign things in the video that represent the lyrics, and i want to have them in there to fit in with the timing of the music.

i like this video because within it they're is a young lady walking through a forest of some kind, the way she is walking through it and the sort of outfit she is wearing, is the sort of image i was thinking of having for my video.

Gone with The sin is a song and video dedicated to a member of HIM that died a few years back. there are a few parts in this video that i think portray a similar image of what i want to achieve in the grave yard scene. around 2.00 - 2.20 in there are several shots of ville valo walking through a grave yard there are some really nice shots in there that i may incorperate into my video. the next bit in the video i really like is 2.59 - 3.30 minutes in this is where valo is kneeling at his departed friends grave, i think it reflects his emotions really well, and there is a nice shot showing villes emotion whilst visiting his friends grave. i also like in this video the fact that there is no footage of any of the other band members.